Tragic honor killing spurs outrage and calls for justice in Pakistan.

In a harrowing incident in Kolai-Palas district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, a father took the life of his 18-year-old daughter, following family advice triggered by her presence in a social media picture. Shockingly, her appearance in the photo was deemed a violation of social norms, leading to this heinous act.

Further tragedy was averted when police rescued the young woman’s friend, who was also featured in the picture, from the same fate. Authorities have apprehended the father, Arslan Mohsin, and three other relatives, with additional arrests expected, according to police official Masood Khan.

The incident sheds light on the continuing menace of honor killings, a disturbingly frequent occurrence in Pakistan. Despite efforts and stricter laws, these brutal acts, carried out under the guise of protecting family honor, persist, especially in conservative rural regions where public images of women are considered taboo.

Lawmakers and rights groups are calling for stringent punishment for the perpetrators and demanding better protection for survivors. The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan reported a staggering 384 honor killings in 2022 alone, underscoring the urgency for decisive action and justice in the face of this deeply troubling trend.