Presidential Ordinances Issued to Enhance Operational Efficiency of State-Owned Institutions

President Arif Alvi has issued four ordinances aimed at improving the functionality of state-owned institutions. The ordinances include amendments to the National Highways Authority (NHA), Pakistan Post Services Management Board, National Shipping Corporation, and Broadcasting Corporation.

According to the official statement released by the President’s Office, the Secretaries of the respective institutions briefed the President on the immediate issuance of these ordinances.

The statement highlights that these ordinances are issued under the International Monetary Fund (IMF) agreements to enhance the performance of government institutions. The expedited release of the ordinances is attributed to the modifications required by the IMF in the laws to ensure better transparency and efficiency in the functioning of state-owned entities.

As a part of these amendments, separate Chairpersons and Chief Executives will be appointed for these institutions, marking a significant change in their organizational structure. These modifications are in line with the commitments made under the IMF agreements to enhance governance and effectiveness.

The National Assembly has already approved further amendments to the NAB Ordinance, indicating a broader trend of legislative changes aimed at improving the operational dynamics of state institutions.

The statement emphasizes that the appointment of independent members to the boards of these institutions will be ensured, and these members will be given a guaranteed tenure. The performance reports of these institutions will be submitted to the Central Monitoring Unit established in the Ministry of Finance.

Moreover, the boards of these institutions will be required to submit their annual business plans to the Central Monitoring Unit. Additionally, a commitment has been made to make the reports of these institutions public, ensuring greater transparency. The Central Monitoring Unit will, in turn, present these performance reports to the Cabinet Committee.

These ordinances signify a strategic move by the government to align state-owned entities with international standards of governance and efficiency, meeting the conditions set forth by the IMF for financial assistance and signaling a commitment to institutional reforms.