Sindh’s IGP Chairs High-Level Meeting to Tackle Criminal Activities and Illegal Immigration

In response to rising concerns over criminal activities and illegal immigration in Karachi, a high-level meeting was convened at the Central Police Office Karachi, presided over by the Inspector General of Police (IGP) Sindh, Raffat Mukhtar Raja. The meeting, which included Additional IGP Karachi and Special Branch, was focused on discussing and formulating strategies to combat various crimes, smuggling, and illegal immigration within the city.

During the briefing, attendees discussed a range of actions aimed at curbing criminal activities, especially street crimes, and addressing the issue of illegal immigrants. The meeting was held against the backdrop of a growing need to enhance law enforcement efforts and ensure the safety and security of residents in Karachi.

IGP Sindh, Raffat Mukhtar Raja, issued directives during the meeting, emphasizing the need for immediate action to deal with illegal immigrants. He called for the preparation of comprehensive recommendations, encompassing various measures, to be submitted to the Sindh government without delay. These measures are expected to include robust steps to monitor and control movement across borders and strict vigilance in border areas.

The Inspector General also declared a strong stance against street criminals and underscored the importance of declaring a war against street crimes. Combating street criminals will be a top priority, and effective measures will be taken to ensure the safety of citizens.

Furthermore, IGP Sindh proposed the establishment of a Joint Task Force, consisting of various law enforcement agencies, including the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA), NADRA, Anti-Narcotics Force (ANF), and the police. The purpose of this task force is to coordinate efforts and pool resources to effectively combat crimes and curb illegal immigration.

Addressing the issue of illegal immigrants, IGP Sindh recommended the creation of holding centers with dedicated personnel at various locations. These centers will facilitate the processing of illegal immigrants and help ensure that those who are not authorized to stay in the country are repatriated promptly.

The meeting highlighted the urgent need for comprehensive, well-coordinated efforts to address the rising challenges posed by criminal activities and illegal immigration in Karachi. IGP Sindh’s directives reflect a commitment to enhancing law enforcement, ensuring public safety, and maintaining security within the city. The proposed measures, if implemented effectively, can contribute significantly to curbing criminal activities and managing the issue of illegal immigration, thereby making Karachi a safer place for its residents.