Taliban Reject Pakistan’s allegations on attack, tensions rise.

Amidst escalating tensions between Pakistan and Afghanistan, the Taliban’s defense ministry refuted Pakistan’s claims regarding Afghan involvement in an attack on Chinese engineers. The attack, a suicide bombing in March that claimed the lives of five Chinese engineers in Pakistan’s Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, was allegedly planned in Afghanistan.

However, Mufti Enayatullah Khorazmim, spokesperson for Afghanistan’s Taliban-run Ministry of National Defence, denied Afghan involvement, stating, “Afghans are not involved in such matters.” He dismissed the allegations as an attempt to deflect attention from the truth.

The suicide bombing targeted a convoy of Chinese engineers working on a dam project, raising concerns about security in the region. Khorazmim criticized Pakistan’s security measures, emphasizing the vulnerability despite tight security coverage by the Pakistan Army.

Tensions between Pakistan and Afghanistan have been mounting, with Islamabad accusing Kabul of not doing enough to address militant groups targeting Pakistan. Pakistan’s airstrikes on Afghan territory in March further strained relations.

Last year, Pakistan expelled nearly 370,000 undocumented Afghan nationals, citing security concerns. Pakistan’s military spokesman highlighted the security of Chinese nationals in Pakistan as a top priority, particularly those involved in infrastructure projects.

Despite the discord, the Taliban expressed interest in fostering economic ties with China, including participation in the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). China, having appointed an ambassador to Kabul under the Taliban, remains a significant player in regional dynamics.