Appellate Tribunal Grants Pervez Elahi’s Election Nomination Appeal

Pervez Elahi successfully challenged the rejection of his nomination papers for PP 32 in the upcoming election, as ruled by the Appellate Tribunal. This decision enables him to participate in the electoral process, ensuring his candidacy in the constituency.

Furthermore, the Appellate Tribunal also upheld the eligibility of Pervez Elahi’s son, Monis Elahi, allowing him to contest the election. This favorable ruling secures Monis Elahi’s participation in the electoral race, ensuring representation for their political faction in the designated constituency.

However, the nomination papers of Mons Elahi for PP 158 were rejected by the Returning Officer, posing a setback to his electoral aspirations in that particular constituency.

In addition to the Elahi family members, the Appellate Tribunal also approved the nomination papers of Zara Elahi and Samira Elahi, granting them the opportunity to compete in the upcoming election. This decision reflects the tribunal’s commitment to ensuring a fair and inclusive electoral process by upholding the rights of eligible candidates to contest elections.

The Appellate Tribunal’s decisions regarding the nomination appeals of Pervez Elahi, Monis Elahi, and others signify a significant development in the electoral landscape, reaffirming the principles of democracy and electoral transparency. The tribunal’s rulings contribute to fostering political participation and representation, thereby strengthening the democratic process in the country.