Punjab’s Chief Minister, Maryam Nawaz, has directed relevant authorities to implement safety measures by installing safety rods on motorbikes to shield riders from the hazardous metal strings used in kite-flying activities.
These directives were issued during the fourth cabinet meeting, attended by provincial ministers, the chief secretary, and high-ranking officials.
During the session, the Chief Minister endorsed the establishment of a ministerial committee tasked with formulating policies for wheat procurement and addressing related concerns. Additionally, it was decided to engage assembly members in discussions concerning wheat matters. Furthermore, the approval was granted for the establishment of standing committees for wheat-related affairs and the restructuring of the commodity financing committee within the food department.
The provincial cabinet also unanimously approved granting a holiday on Easter for Christian employees. Maryam Nawaz expressed deep regret over the unfortunate incidents resulting in the loss of Christian workers’ lives. She emphasized that the loss of any individual, particularly from disadvantaged backgrounds, should not be regarded merely as news but as a matter of grave concern.