Pakistani Actor Adnan Malik Addresses “Fighter” Team Following Film’s Lackluster Performance

The Bollywood film “Fighter,” scheduled for release on January 25, faced disappointment at the box office as it couldn’t maintain a strong presence for an extended period, with Indian media labeling it as a flop on its fifth day.

Despite its patriotic theme and anti-Pakistan narrative, “Fighter” failed to attract a significant audience, according to film analysts. The movie, despite its attempt to capture attention through nationalist sentiments, did not resonate well with the viewers.

In the aftermath of the film’s failure, Pakistani actor Adnan Malik has taken to social media to send a message to the “Fighter” team. Adnan expressed his desire to impart a lesson to the team post-failure, urging them not to insult the intelligence of their audience by undermining their brilliance.

In his message shared on the social connections website “X,” Adnan conveyed, “After the flop show of ‘Fighter,’ I want to give a lesson to the team that they should not insult the intelligence of their listeners because they can recognize agendas.”

He further emphasized that the world of entertainment and showbiz should remain free from unnecessary politics. Adnan’s message comes amidst the backdrop of the film’s struggles, where its business reportedly witnessed a 70-80% decline on the fifth day compared to the impressive 200 crore club entry on the fourth day.

The film features Hrithik Roshan and Deepika Padukone in the lead roles, portraying the roles of Indian Air Force Squadron Leaders, while Anil Kapoor is seen in the role of a commanding officer.

Adnan Malik’s call for keeping the realms of entertainment and politics separate resonates with the sentiments of many who believe that films should focus on delivering quality content rather than pushing political agendas that may alienate diverse audiences.