Sindh Government Ready for Elections, No Decision on Mobile Service Disruption Yet

In a press conference held in Karachi, Sindh’s Minister of Information, Ahmed Shah, stated that there has been no decision made regarding the disruption of mobile services on election day. Shah emphasized that the Sindh government is fully prepared for the upcoming elections, with police and Rangers assigned to polling stations and the military deployed to sensitive polling stations.

The minister assured that the government has enacted laws relevant to election processes, allocating more than PKR 62.54 crore for institutions responsible for implementing these laws. Additionally, over one crore CC TV cameras have been designated for election monitoring.

Ahmed Shah asserted that both the federal and provincial governments are ready for the elections, with all relevant authorities collaborating with the Election Commission. He emphasized that elections will take place on time, and the government is working towards ensuring security and peace.

Regarding the disruption of the internet on election day, Shah clarified that there is no recommendation under consideration at the moment. He added that courts and the Election Commission are actively making decisions, and the government is not interfering in their processes.

Shah emphasized that there will be consequences for individuals who do not perform national duty on election day, ensuring that action will be taken against those who refuse to participate. He highlighted the importance of unity among political parties, stating that alliances formed during elections could lead to future coalition governments.

The Minister of Information reassured that ongoing efforts are focused on improving peace and security in the region. Still, as of now, no decision has been made regarding the disruption of mobile services on the day of the elections.

As the elections draw near, the government continues to foster an information-sharing environment to ensure transparency and cooperation among stakeholders.