Nawaz Sharif Reflects on Pakistan’s Stalled Progress and Challenges Faced in 2017 and 2018

In a recent address to the 7th parliamentary board meeting of the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N), former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif questioned why Pakistan’s progress was impeded in 2017 and expressed optimism that the PML-N would sweep the 2018 elections. Sharif, addressing the gathering, shared his thoughts on the challenges faced during his tenure and the current state of the nation.

Sharif acknowledged the positive sentiment following his meeting with various individuals, reminiscing about the good times and expressing gratitude for their support. He pondered over the reasons behind the opposition’s fear of the PML-N’s performance in 2018, asserting that the party would have initiated a clean sweep.

Reflecting on the economic situation, Sharif emphasized the need for self-reflection to understand why Pakistan lagged behind. He expressed concern over the country’s position in the world, stating that while the world had progressed significantly, Pakistan had fallen behind. He called for a collective realization of the challenges and lamented Pakistan’s absence from the map of progressive nations.

The former Prime Minister delved into his personal history, recounting how his family’s company used to export engines to Middle Eastern countries. He painted a picture of a prosperous Pakistan with well-functioning airports and good roads during that time, contrasting it with the challenges faced by the country today.

Addressing the issue of load shedding during his tenure, Sharif highlighted the efforts made to bring prosperity to the nation. He acknowledged the envy of opponents but stressed that people knew the PML-N would win in elections, indicating a shift in the narrative during the 2018 elections.

Sharif pondered over questions regarding the country’s regression and expressed frustration over the lack of answers. He called for introspection and highlighted the need for merit-based ticket distribution within the party to address the challenges faced by the nation.

Discussing the distribution of tickets, Sharif urged the party to ensure that decisions are made on merit. He empathized with the nation’s current plight, acknowledging the challenges of rising prices and the financial burden on citizens. He emphasized the importance of a prosperous Pakistan for the well-being of every individual and family.

Sharif invoked divine intervention, expressing hope that if granted the opportunity to serve again, the next government would lead the country more efficiently. He called for a commitment to contest elections, promising success if the pledge is fulfilled.