Bilawal Bhutto Vows a People-Centric Politics, Rejects Old Rivalries

In a passionate address during the Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) workers’ convention in Shangla, Chairman Bilawal Bhutto asserted his commitment to a politics centered on the welfare of the people. Declaring, “I do not want to look anywhere else, nor towards anyone else; I trust the people,” Bilawal emphasized the party’s dedication to steering away from divisive politics and focusing on the concerns of the common citizens.

Highlighting the entrenched political practices of old leaders, Bilawal contended that the PPP, historically, has been the party to navigate the country through challenges. He underscored that the real challenge lies not in political rivalries but in addressing issues of poverty, unemployment, and inflation.

Bilawal drew inspiration from his mother, stating that he learned how to represent the underprivileged from her. He condemned the prevalence of derogatory language and political gimmicks, pledging that the PPP would bury such politics. He asserted, “Our struggle is not against any politician but against poverty, unemployment, and inflation.”

The former Foreign Minister also acknowledged the country’s deteriorating economic conditions, urging people to unite and bring about a positive change. He invited citizens to join him in the endeavor to transform the fate of the nation. Drawing from his experience, he shared that he had closely observed politicians and their practices.

Bilawal’s commitment extended beyond words as he expressed his intention to fill the people’s pockets rather than his own. Promising to double the salaries of workers within five years, he underscored the PPP’s track record of delivering on promises.

Addressing the issue of unemployment, Bilawal acknowledged that every politician pledges to create jobs, but he emphasized that the PPP has demonstrated its dedication to this cause. He proposed the issuance of “youth cards” to facilitate job opportunities and internships for the youth, highlighting the party’s focus on empowering the next generation.

In addition, he stressed the importance of uplifting women by providing them with opportunities similar to those given to men. Bilawal envisioned a Pakistan where brothers would secure jobs for their sisters, mirroring the party’s commitment to gender inclusivity.

Bilawal Bhutto pledged to complete the incomplete mission of the party’s founder, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto. He called for unity and discouraged divisive politics, urging party workers to propagate his manifesto as the country heads towards elections on February 8