Adobe and Other Companies Pledge Voluntary Commitments on AI in Support of White House Initiatives

“Adobe, IBM, Nvidia, and More Companies Commit to White House’s AI Guidelines, Focusing on Responsible AI Use”

In this news piece, it’s reported that Adobe, IBM, Nvidia, and five additional companies have pledged to uphold President Joe Biden’s voluntary commitments regarding artificial intelligence (AI). These commitments involve measures such as watermarking AI-generated content, all with the aim of ensuring the responsible and non-destructive use of AI’s capabilities. The original commitments, initially announced in July, had already garnered support from Google, OpenAI, and OpenAI’s partner, Microsoft. White House Chief of Staff Jeff Zients emphasized the importance of leveraging AI’s benefits while managing associated risks and doing so promptly through partnerships with the private sector.

The five additional companies joining these commitments are Palantir, Stability, Salesforce, Scale, and Cohere. This move is considered a temporary solution, as discussions in Congress regarding potential AI legislation have taken place but have yet to yield significant results in terms of enacted laws.