The US State Department is keeping a close eye on the cipher issue

During a press briefing on Tuesday, the U.S. State Department indicated that it is closely monitoring the situation in Pakistan regarding the case of Shakil Afridi. The department’s deputy principal spokesperson commented on this issue in response to a question during the press briefing.

The spokesperson emphasized that they are indeed closely following the situation concerning Shakil Afridi. When responding to a question about consultations with congressional partners on various matters, the spokesperson stated, “We do consult with our congressional partners on many issues. I certainly won’t get into conversations with them, certainly not on the specific issue.”

This remark suggests that discussions on sensitive matters, including Shakil Afridi’s case, might be taking place behind closed doors with members of Congress. The spokesperson’s response alluded to a level of confidentiality surrounding certain discussions.

In addition to the Afridi case, the spokesperson was asked about the denial of visas to Pakistani Americans by Pakistani authorities. In response, the spokesperson mentioned that if any issues arise in this area, they would typically be addressed through discussions with Pakistani consular authorities. This implies that visa-related matters involving Pakistani Americans would be handled through diplomatic channels.

The U.S. government’s careful monitoring of the Shakil Afridi case reflects the ongoing interest and concern about his situation, given his role in helping the U.S. locate Osama bin Laden. The diplomatic nuances surrounding discussions with congressional partners and visa issues underscore the complexity of U.S.-Pakistan relations and the importance of handling such matters discreetly.