Understanding Different Perspectives on Reciting Qur’an during Dhikr Sessions

A recent discussion among religious scholars has sparked debate regarding the appropriateness of reciting the Qur’an during dhikr sessions. Mufti Akmal Qadri, a prominent Islamic scholar, expressed his opinion on the matter, suggesting that instead of reciting the Qur’an, it may be more beneficial to listen attentively to an audio of dhikr. While acknowledging the good intentions behind the practice, Mufti Akmal Qadri emphasized the importance of adhering to the divine order of listening to the Qur’an in silence.

According to Mufti Akmal Qadri, the Qur’an holds a special reverence in Islam, and when it is recited, believers are instructed to listen attentively and reflect upon its verses. Therefore, during dhikr sessions, where the focus is on remembrance and devotion, Mufti Akmal Qadri suggested that listening to an audio of dhikr could serve as a more appropriate form of spiritual practice.

However, Mufti Akmal Qadri also clarified that while reciting the Qur’an during dhikr sessions may not be deemed sinful, it may not align with the preferred etiquettes prescribed by Islamic scholars. He emphasized the need for believers to adhere to established norms and practices, especially when it comes to matters of religious significance.

In response to Mufti Akmal Qadri’s perspective, Shia religious scholar Allama Raza Daudani provided insights from the Jafaria jurisprudence viewpoint. Allama Raza Daudani acknowledged that the matter may be approached differently within the Shia tradition, highlighting the diverse interpretations and practices within Islamic jurisprudence.

Allama Raza Daudani’s response sheds light on the nuanced differences in opinion among Islamic scholars regarding the recitation of the Qur’an during dhikr sessions. While Mufti Akmal Qadri’s perspective reflects the adherence to established Sunni traditions and etiquettes, Allama Raza Daudani’s viewpoint underscores the recognition of alternative interpretations and practices within the Shia tradition.

The debate surrounding the recitation of the Qur’an during dhikr sessions raises broader questions about religious practices and interpretations within Islam. It underscores the diversity and richness of Islamic jurisprudence, where scholars may hold varying opinions based on their understanding of religious texts and traditions.

At the heart of this discussion lies the importance of sincerity and devotion in spiritual practices. While adhering to established norms and etiquettes is essential, believers are encouraged to approach their worship with humility and a sincere intention to seek closeness to the Divine.

Ultimately, whether one chooses to recite the Qur’an or engage in other forms of dhikr during spiritual sessions, the underlying principle remains the same: to remember and glorify the Almighty. As believers navigate these debates and discussions, it is crucial to uphold mutual respect and understanding, recognizing the diversity of perspectives within the Islamic tradition.