Palestinian authority seeks renewed consideration for UN membership.

The Palestinian Authority has formally requested the United Nations Security Council to reconsider its 2011 application for full membership in the world body. Palestinian UN envoy Riyad Mansour revealed the intention to Reuters, aiming for the council to make a decision during an upcoming ministerial meeting on April 18. However, no vote has been scheduled yet.

Here’s an overview of the current status and process of UN membership:

Current Status of Palestinians at the UN: The Palestinians currently hold a non-member observer state status at the United Nations, akin to the Holy See. In November 2012, the UN General Assembly granted de facto recognition of the sovereign state of Palestine by elevating its observer status to that of a “non-member state,” with 138 votes in favor, nine against, and 41 abstentions.

Admission of New Member States: Countries seeking UN membership typically submit applications to the UN secretary-general, who forwards them to the 15-member Security Council for assessment and voting. Palestinian envoy Riyad Mansour has formally requested renewed consideration by the Security Council for their 2011 application. The request has been transmitted by Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to the Security Council.

Process in the Security Council: The Security Council’s committee first evaluates the application to determine if it meets the requirements for UN membership. The application may then proceed to a formal vote in the Security Council, where approval necessitates at least nine affirmative votes and no vetoes from the permanent members (US, Russia, China, France, Britain).

Outcome of the 2011 Application: In 2011, a UN Security Council committee assessed the Palestinian application for weeks but failed to reach a unanimous position. Consequently, the Security Council did not formally vote on a resolution regarding Palestinian membership. Diplomats noted that the Palestinians lacked the minimum nine votes required for adoption, and the United States had indicated its intention to veto the move even if sufficient support were garnered.

As the Palestinian Authority seeks renewed consideration for UN membership, the process remains complex, requiring approval from both the Security Council and the General Assembly. The outcome will have significant implications for Palestinian representation on the global stage.