U.S. crafting list of restricted chinese chipmaking facilities to bolster technology controls.

According to sources familiar with the matter, the United States is in the process of compiling a list of advanced Chinese chip manufacturing facilities that will be prohibited from obtaining crucial tools. The move aims to facilitate companies in curtailing the flow of technology into China.

One of the individuals stated that this list could potentially be made public within the next few months.

In 2022, the U.S. Department of Commerce imposed restrictions on American companies, preventing them from exporting equipment to Chinese factories engaged in the production of advanced semiconductor chips. This action aligns with the U.S.’s broader objective of significantly curbing China’s technological progress, citing national security concerns.

However, companies have encountered challenges in identifying which Chinese facilities are involved in the production of advanced chips. Consequently, they have long advocated for the Commerce Department to publish a comprehensive list for clarity and guidance.

This endeavor underscores the United States’ commitment to strengthening existing restrictions on chip exports to China, aiming to simplify compliance procedures for U.S. firms. The Commerce Department declined to provide comments on the matter.

A spokesperson for the Chinese Embassy in Washington criticized the U.S., urging it to refrain from exaggerating national security concerns and misusing state power to suppress Chinese enterprises.

At a recent export controls conference in Washington, U.S. officials addressed industry requests for a definitive list of restricted facilities.

“One official, speaking on a panel, revealed the sentiment among companies, stating, “People are like: ‘Please, just tell us which of these advanced facilities you really care about.’ It’s probably not going to be an exhaustive listing, if we can do that. But the more that we can help identify what are these facilities that we have a concern with, hopefully that’s going to help,” the official added.