Federal interior minister mohsin naqvi and khyber pakhtunkhwa chief minister ali amin gandapur intensify efforts to counter terrorism.

Federal Interior Minister Mohsin Naqvi convened a meeting with Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Chief Minister Ali Amin Gandapur to address the security concerns within the province.

During the meeting, both leaders agreed to enhance intelligence-based operations to curb terrorism effectively. The recent tragic incident in Shangla, resulting in the loss of Chinese citizens due to a suicide attack, was deeply lamented by both parties. In response, the federal interior minister emphasized the necessity for robust measures to combat terrorism.

Naqvi reaffirmed the indomitable resolve of the Pakistani nation against the cowardly acts of miscreants and adversaries. He underscored the need for unwavering determination in the face of such challenges.

CM Gandapur echoed this sentiment, asserting the provincial government’s unwavering commitment to undertake all necessary measures to tackle terrorism effectively. He emphasized the paramount importance of safeguarding the lives and properties of the people of the province.

The meeting concluded with a shared determination to strengthen security measures and collaborative efforts between federal and provincial authorities to ensure peace and stability in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.