Pakistan Celebrates National Day with Military Parades Across the Country

Today, Pakistan commemorated National Day with fervor and zeal, marked by military parades held nationwide. The day began with a salute of 31 guns at the federal capital, Islamabad, and 21-gun salutes in all provincial capitals.

In Islamabad, a grand joint parade was organized at the Shakarparian Ground, featuring the participation of armed forces, government officials, and dignitaries. President of Pakistan, Asif Ali Zardari, Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif, federal ministers, and top military commanders were among the attendees.

The National Day parade showcased a display of military prowess, including demonstrations of weapons and equipment, along with fly-pasts featuring Pakistan Air Force’s latest aircraft. The armed forces also presented salutes during the event, showcasing their discipline and coordination.

In addition to the participation of women in the armed forces, military contingents from China and Azerbaijan also took part in the parade, demonstrating solidarity and cooperation between Pakistan and its allies.

The presence of a large number of spectators at the Shakarparian Ground to witness the military parade reflects the enthusiasm and patriotism of the Pakistani people on this auspicious occasion.