Prime Minister Takes Notice of Controversy Surrounding Chairman ARSA Appointment

Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif has taken notice of the concerns raised by Sindh regarding the appointment of the Chairman of ARSA.

According to Sindh’s Minister for Water, Jams Khan Shoro, Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif and Sindh Chief Minister Murad Ali Shah have been in contact regarding the appointment of the Chairman of ARSA.

The Minister for Water Resources stated that the Prime Minister has assured that the notification for the appointment of Chairman ARSA will be withdrawn. He further added that Zafar Mahmood will be reinstated as the Chairman of ARSA.

The Minister for Water Resources emphasized that the Chief Minister has adopted a stance that the appointment of the Chairman will be made based on the rotation of provinces’ members in the CCW.

The Prime Minister has acknowledged the position of the Sindh Chief Minister and the Department of Water Resources Sindh.

The controversy surrounding the appointment of the Chairman of ARSA has gained attention at the highest levels of government, with both the Prime Minister and the Chief Minister of Sindh involved in resolving the matter.

The decision to withdraw the notification for the appointment of the Chairman and reinstate Zafar Mahmood underscores the importance of addressing concerns raised by stakeholders and ensuring transparency and fairness in appointments to key positions.

The commitment to appoint the Chairman based on the rotation of provinces’ members in the CCW reflects a desire to uphold principles of equity and inclusivity in the decision-making process.

The Prime Minister’s intervention in this matter demonstrates a proactive approach to addressing issues of governance and ensuring that appointments are made in accordance with established procedures and principles of meritocracy.