Punjab’s First Female Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Takes Action Against Inflation

Maryam Nawaz, Punjab’s first female Chief Minister, has swiftly taken action against inflation by announcing measures to provide relief to the public. In her initial days in office, she chaired a session on peace and security, emphasizing the importance of maintaining law and order while addressing the issues of violence against women, children, and minorities.

During the session, she condemned an incident of violence against elderly women in Taxila, stressing the need for upholding the rule of law and zero tolerance for corruption. Maryam Nawaz made it clear that there would be no compromise on implementing laws, particularly regarding bribery and merit policies.

She declared that no one would be above the law and pledged to eradicate the culture of bribery within the police force. Additionally, she ordered the establishment of a department for price control within five days, with a focus on monitoring demand and supply systems and controlling prices of essential commodities like fruits and vegetables. She also emphasized the need to ensure strict penalties for hoarders.

Following the session, Maryam Nawaz visited the Shalimar police station without prior notice. Accompanied by the Inspector General of Punjab Police, Dr. Usman Anwar, she inspected the front desk and engaged in discussions with detained individuals. She also inspected the women’s washroom facilities at the station.

Upon exiting the police station, Maryam Nawaz was warmly welcomed by a crowd of people, demonstrating their support and enthusiasm for her leadership. This move highlights her commitment to hands-on governance and her determination to address issues directly affecting the people of Punjab.

Maryam Nawaz’s proactive approach to governance, coupled with her focus on addressing inflation and ensuring law and order, signals a promising start to her tenure as Punjab’s Chief Minister. Her actions reflect a strong commitment to serving the people and addressing their concerns effectively.