In a recent interview, popular host Nida Yasir opened up about her lingering disappointment regarding colleague Rabia Anum Obaid’s on-camera exit from the show “Good Morning Pakistan” last year. The incident occurred during Yasir’s show in November 2022 when Rabia Anum Obaid left the live broadcast in protest against Mohsin Abbas Haider, who faced accusations of domestic assault by his ex-wife.
Obaid’s decision to leave the show halfway received widespread praise for taking a stand against harassment and abuse. In a statement on social media, she expressed hope that harassers and abusers wouldn’t be celebrated as hero-like figures.
When questioned about whether the on-air walkout was planned, Nida Yasir responded that it wasn’t, igniting a debate on a podcast about the incident.
According to Yasir, Obaid found out in the morning who the guest alongside her on the show would be. Yasir remarked, “She [Obaid] knew who was coming since we have a makeup room where all of our guests are present. She had the option to speak with me privately but chose not to.”
Yasir mentioned that she was on set, and although Obaid spoke to her team, she did not personally approach Yasir. Yasir suggested that Obaid could have raised the issue behind the camera to avoid unnecessary controversy.
Emphasizing her role as a host, Yasir stated that she does not make allegations and respects people for their artistic contributions rather than their personal lives or how they treat others. Yasir expressed feeling humiliated by the walkout and clarified that Obaid was never invited back to the program.
On her Instagram account, the evening the podcast debuted, Obaid announced she wouldn’t be commenting on it and urged people to focus on pressing global concerns, specifically highlighting the ongoing situation in Palestine.