Akira Toriyama, the iconic Japanese manga creator celebrated for his influential works like “Dragon Ball” and “Dr. Slump,” has sadly passed away at the age of 68 due to acute subdural hematoma, as announced by publisher Shueisha on Friday.
“Dragon Ball,” first serialized in Weekly Shonen Jump comic magazine in 1984, swiftly became a global phenomenon, transcending manga to expand into movies, video games, and TV series distributed in over 80 countries. Toriyama’s imaginative storytelling and character design left an indelible mark on the world of manga and pop culture.
In addition to his contributions to “Dragon Ball,” Toriyama was recognized as the character and monster designer for the immensely popular role-playing game series, “Dragon Quest.”
Fans worldwide expressed their grief at the news of Toriyama’s passing, with one writing on the official “Dragon Ball” website, “We will never forget Akira Toriyama for the gift he left on this earth. I can’t imagine a world without Dragon Ball.” The sentiment echoed the deep impact Toriyama had on the lives of manga enthusiasts and the broader entertainment industry.