PTI Leader Babar Awan Accuses PTA of Shutting Down PTI’s Website

Babar Awan, a prominent leader of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), has raised concerns over the alleged closure of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf’s official website by the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA). Speaking to the media outside the Supreme Court, Awan urged the court to take notice of this shutdown, asserting that such actions violate the principles of the United Nations’ Charter of Human Rights.

Awan emphasized that the imprisonment trial of the founder of PTI should also be made public, likening it to a violation of the Charter. He argued that bringing transparency to the trial process would ensure justice and prevent the suppression of free expression. Currently, he noted, PTI’s founder faces legal actions only during court proceedings, and the suppression of their voices in these cases amounts to an injustice.

The PTI leader urged the Supreme Court to treat PTI’s founder’s trial similar to its own proceedings, allowing the public to witness and assess the fairness of the legal proceedings. He expressed concern that the current handling of their cases is akin to murdering justice.

Babar Awan underscored the significance of this move, considering it a positive step towards ensuring the freedom of expression and opinion in the country. He asserted that the justice system should allow the public to form an independent opinion about the ongoing legal matters.

Further commenting on the political landscape, Awan remarked that Nawaz Sharif is solely focused on managing his business rather than being capable of assuming the position of Prime Minister again. He dismissed the chances of Nawaz Sharif becoming Prime Minister, stating that, irrespective of various tribes and ethnicities, all individuals deserve respect under Article 14 of the Constitution.

In summary, Babar Awan’s call for transparency in the trial process and his concerns about the alleged shutdown of PTI’s website underscore the importance of upholding democratic values and freedom of expression in Pakistan. His plea to the Supreme Court aims to ensure justice and fairness in legal proceedings, contributing to a more transparent and accountable political landscape.