Saudi Foreign Minister Declares No Normalization with Israel Until Palestinian Issue Resolved

In a significant announcement, Saudi Arabia’s Foreign Minister, Faisal bin Farhan, has stated that the normalization of relations with Israel will not occur until the Palestinian issue is resolved.

During an interview with an international news agency, Faisal bin Farhan emphasized that establishing ties with Israel cannot be considered unless there is a resolution to the Palestinian conflict. He underlined that the Palestinian problem must be addressed before contemplating any normalization with Israel.

The Saudi Foreign Minister expressed that the path to the revival of relations with Israel is contingent on deriving benefits for Palestine. He stressed that for the Palestinian issue to find a resolution, strength and stability are necessary. Faisal bin Farhan asserted that strengthening ties could be instrumental in resolving the longstanding Palestinian predicament.

Addressing the ongoing Israeli atrocities in Gaza, Faisal bin Farhan underscored the imperative to curtail hostilities and prevent further civilian casualties. He condemned Israel’s brutal actions in Gaza, stating that the deliberate targeting of civilian populations is entirely unacceptable. The Foreign Minister emphasized the need to halt Israeli aggression, particularly the assault on innocent civilians.

In the context of the recent escalation in Gaza, the Saudi Foreign Minister highlighted the decreasing trend in clashes and the importance of preventing further civilian casualties. Faisal bin Farhan observed Israel’s relentless aggression in Gaza, resulting in the displacement and suffering of the local population. He stressed the urgent need to put an end to Israel’s indiscriminate attacks on Palestinian territories.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Health in Gaza reported that the number of Palestinian casualties due to Israeli attacks has exceeded 25,474, with a significant proportion comprising children and women. The toll also includes more than 62,000 Palestinians who have sustained injuries in the Israeli onslaught.

The Saudi Foreign Minister’s unequivocal stance against normalization with Israel until the resolution of the Palestinian issue signals the importance of prioritizing justice and stability in the region. The condemnation of Israel’s actions in Gaza underscores the Saudi commitment to humanitarian values and the quest for a just and lasting resolution to the longstanding Palestinian conflict.