PTI-N and PTI Ideology Agreement Reveals Seat Adjustment Details

Recent revelations highlight an agreement between Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) and PTI Ideology, disclosing intricate seat adjustments made between the two factions. According to sources, the agreement was finalized on December 30.

The pact stipulated adjustments on seven seats, including the assignment of a Senate seat to Akhtar Iqbal Dar from PTI Ideology. The agreement outlined specific seats for ideological parties at the provincial and national levels. It mandated allocating one constituency for a candidate from a ideological party at the provincial level, while ensuring a single designated seat for them in both the Senate and the National Assembly.

Under this agreement, PTI’s candidates were supposed to contest under the symbol of the bat, and the resolution of the conflict was to be determined by the founding PTI Ideology. The agreement emphasized the exclusivity of PTI Ideology’s manifesto and constitution.

Senator Ali Zafar, speaking to Geo News, confirmed the agreement between PTI and PTI Ideology. He expressed regret that PTI Ideology’s leadership had stepped back from the agreement.

Barrister Gohar, in response, noted that the effectiveness of the agreement had been compromised after the Election Commission’s rejection. He expressed hope that the Supreme Court would reinstate the bat symbol. It’s worth mentioning that PTI Ideology and PTI both faced challenges as the Election Commission had disallowed the use of the bat symbol by both groups.

The subsequent press conference in Lahore by Chairman of PTI Ideology, Akhtar Iqbal Dar, accused PTI of collecting fake tickets. Dar claimed that PTI Ideology’s candidates had independently acquired tickets and emphasized that they had issued tickets for their candidates in Multan and Faisalabad.

This controversy has exposed the intricacies of internal political agreements and the challenges faced by factions within PTI. The fallout from this disagreement further complicates the political landscape as the elections approach, underscoring the delicate balance within the party and its ideological counterparts.