PML-N Spokesperson Emphasizes Election Preparedness Amid Senate Agreement Controversy

The spokesperson for the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N), Maryam Aurangzeb, addressed media concerns in Lahore, asserting that irrespective of the ongoing Senate agreement discussions, the election schedule would be followed. She clarified that while other parties might engage in cries or protests, the elections are set for February 8.

Speaking on the Senate agreement, Aurangzeb highlighted that the PML-N was the sole dissenter in approving the accord. She underscored that the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) had supported the Senate agreement, suggesting a coordinated effort to manipulate the situation. She added that individuals involved in these maneuvers hide behind the scenes while creating a spectacle externally.

Aurangzeb called for an end to issuing threats from behind prison walls, stating that such tactics would not earn votes from the Pakistani public. Urging the need for elections, she emphasized that the country is moving forward towards May 28, alluding to the significance of this date. Referring to Article 6, she mentioned that on May 9, the call to set the entire nation ablaze was made. She criticized those who chose to participate in the drama rather than face the consequences of their actions.

The spokesperson reiterated that the PML-N is fully prepared for the upcoming elections, urging the Election Commission to announce the schedule in line with the directives of the Senate. She expressed the commitment of the PML-N to participate in elections and rejected any inclination towards drama outside the legislative assemblies.

Aurangzeb addressed the Senate agreement controversy, asserting that regardless of the ongoing discussions, the election schedule, and preparations for the PML-N’s rallies would proceed. She assured that the party’s schedule for the next week’s rallies would be announced shortly.

Notably, the Senate, in its recent session under the chairmanship of Sadiq Sanjrani, approved the agreement to hold general elections on February 8. The decision garnered widespread support, with dissenting voices from only a few senators. The PML-N’s continued emphasis on electoral readiness amidst the Senate agreement controversy underscores the party’s determination to participate actively in the upcoming electoral process.