Afat Omar Responds Firmly to Khalil-ur-Rehman Qamar’s Derogatory Remarks

Recently, Afat Omar granted an exclusive interview to a private TV channel, where the host posed questions about drama writer Khalil-ur-Rehman Qamar. In response, Afat Omar conveyed her reluctance to discuss him, stating that he has a very narrow mindset.

She emphasized that Qamar had spoken so poorly of her that she didn’t even want to mention his name. Afat Omar clarified that her disagreement with Qamar was not about talking negatively about a woman but about anyone sitting on national television and using offensive language. She expressed that if Qamar had used such language against a man, her reaction would have been the same because no one, regardless of gender, should engage in such behavior on national television.

Afat Omar recalled how Qamar had labeled her as a ‘second-grade woman’ on a TV show. Now, she challenges him openly, stating that if he has the courage, they should confront each other, and he should prove his claims about her being a ‘second-grade woman.’

This incident traces back to 2020 when Khalil-ur-Rehman Qamar and Marvi Sirmed were invited to a private TV show to discuss ‘Aurat March.’ During the conversation, when the anchor sought Qamar’s opinion about the court order restraining him from using derogatory slogans related to ‘Aurat March,’ Qamar responded that the court had prohibited him from saying, ‘My body, my choice.’ When Marvi Sirmed and Qamar exchanged arguments on the show, Khalil-ur-Rehman Qamar resorted to using offensive language against Marvi Sirmed.

The aftermath of this incident led to several actors and actresses in the showbiz industry expressing strong criticism of Khalil-ur-Rehman Qamar. Many decided to distance themselves from working with him, including Afat Omar, who had already faced negative comments from Qamar.

This sequence of events highlights the importance of maintaining decorum and respectful discourse on national television and the entertainment industry. It also underscores the need for accountability when individuals resort to derogatory language, regardless of gender.