Caretaker Minister for Religious Affairs and Interfaith Harmony, Aneeq Ahmed, recently unveiled the results of the balloting for the upcoming Hajj 2024. Among the 69,438 applications received under the regular Hajj Scheme, 63,805 applicants emerged successful in the balloting.
For the 5,633 unsuccessful applicants, a waiting list has been curated based on their respective cities of departure. These individuals may have the opportunity to partake in Hajj if applicants from their city withdraw their applications.
Notifications will be disseminated tonight through mobile SMS, the website, or the mobile app to inform all applicants about the balloting results. Additionally, the sponsorship scheme will persist until Sunday.
Minister Aneeq Ahmed highlighted that, for the first time, Pakistani authorities are facilitating a shorter Hajj. Of the total applicants, 56 percent are women, and 44 percent are men.
In a bid to enhance pilgrim experience, each Hajj participant will receive a suitcase equipped with a QR code to prevent the loss of belongings. Furthermore, a generous data bundle of 7 GBs will be provided to each pilgrim, ensuring connectivity throughout their pilgrimage.