State Bank of Pakistan Releases Details of Government Borrowings and Banking Statistics

The State Bank of Pakistan has disclosed detailed information regarding the federal government’s borrowings. According to the figures released by the State Bank, the government has borrowed 1.45 trillion rupees from July to September 2023.

The breakdown provided by the State Bank indicates that as of September 2023, the government’s total debt stands at 6.2291 trillion rupees.

According to the State Bank, the local debt of the government amounted to 3.9697 trillion rupees by September 2023, while the external debt reached 2.2593 trillion rupees.

Additionally, the State Bank of Pakistan has also released banking statistics for October.

As of October 2023, the deposits in banks increased by 79 billion rupees, bringing the total deposits to 26.397 trillion rupees.

The details provided by the State Bank reveal that in October, banks extended loans amounting to 40 billion rupees. The total volume of outstanding bank loans by the end of the month was 11.897 trillion rupees.

According to the State Bank, the total capitalization in banks reached 610 billion rupees in October, and the cumulative capitalization until October stood at 23.232 trillion rupees.

Moreover, during the first three months of the current fiscal year, 3.17 billion dollars were spent on servicing external loans. In the period from July to September 2023, the principal repayment on external loans amounted to 2.017 billion dollars.

The State Bank’s data indicates that during July to September 2023, interest payments on external loans amounted to 1.157 billion dollars. This comprehensive overview of government borrowings and banking statistics provides insight into the financial dynamics and management of resources within the country.