Pakistan’s Prime Minister Addresses Key Issues During New York Visit

Pakistan’s Prime Minister Anwar-ul-Haq Kakar, during his visit to New York, addressed various critical matters, emphasizing the government’s commitment to law and order while also highlighting key international concerns.

Prime Minister Kakar began by asserting that no political party in Pakistan is being hindered from engaging in political activities. However, he clarified that any individuals involved in the events of May 9th will face legal consequences. He reiterated that the law applies to all, regardless of their gender.

Addressing economic matters, Prime Minister Kakar confirmed that Pakistan has not made any requests to the International Monetary Fund (IMF). He also pointed out that there have been allegations of irregularities in the lead-up to the elections, which are currently under scrutiny. He stressed that anyone found guilty will be held accountable.

Regarding the issue of illegal currency trading, the Prime Minister acknowledged that the International Monetary Fund has lauded Pakistan’s efforts in curbing illegal currency exchange, targeting Chinese and wheat mafias, and preventing artificial price increases. He highlighted that the dollar exchange rate has begun to stabilize.

Prime Minister Kakar underlined that the responsibility for organizing general elections in the country lies with the Election Commission. He emphasized the government’s role in ensuring transparent and fair elections, reaffirming that no one is above the law.

In terms of international relations, Prime Minister Kakar mentioned discussions on reconstruction efforts in Afghanistan, stressing Pakistan’s commitment to respecting Afghanistan’s sovereignty. He reiterated that Pakistan has always respected Afghanistan’s right to self-determination while emphasizing the importance of safeguarding Pakistan’s own borders.

On the issue of the tragic killing of Sikh leader Hardeep Singh in Canada, Prime Minister Kakar expressed concern over the situation. He stated that recent actions by India have raised questions in the international community, and Canada’s response to the incident has drawn global attention.

Prime Minister Anwar-ul-Haq Kakar’s visit to New York was marked by discussions on various significant issues, including economic stability, law and order, international relations, and human rights. His statements underscore Pakistan’s commitment to addressing these challenges through legal means and international cooperation.