UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak faces dual by-election challenge and internal party dissent.

UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak Faces Additional By-Election Challenge

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is confronted with another by-election challenge following the resignation of Chris Pincher, a lawmaker who had been suspended from the Conservative Party for allegations of groping two men. Pincher, who now sits as an independent, announced his resignation from the House of Commons. The by-election to replace Pincher is scheduled for October 19, coinciding with another by-election to replace former culture minister Nadine Dorries. These by-elections add pressure to Sunak, whose Conservative Party recently faced losses in parliamentary seats. With the Conservatives trailing behind the Labour Party in opinion polls and internal divisions over economic policies, the by-elections are seen as a test of Sunak’s leadership and the party’s ability to recover from recent scandals. Additionally, Sunak faces a challenge from within his party, as a group of Conservative MPs submitted a letter of no confidence in his leadership.