Historic Tax-Free Budget Unveiled by Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz

Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz announced an unprecedented tax-free budget for the province, aiming to provide relief to citizens amidst economic challenges. This announcement was made during a budget session presided over by Speaker Punjab Assembly Malik Ahmad Khan, marking a significant milestone in the province’s financial history.

A Milestone Achievement

In her address, Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz emphasized the significance of the tax-free budget, stating, “For the first time, no tax has been charged in the budget of Punjab. The opposition will also be happy about the tax-free budget of Punjab.” She highlighted that this budget would alleviate the financial burden on the citizens, providing them much-needed relief.

Healthcare and Inflation

Maryam Nawaz assured the assembly that the current government is committed to improving healthcare services, which had been neglected by the previous administration. She stated, “The medicines which were stopped by the former government in the hospitals are being given to the patients again.” She also claimed that inflation is at its lowest level in many years, attributing this achievement to the government’s effective economic policies.

Addressing Opposition Concerns

During her speech, opposition members shouted slogans, attempting to disrupt the session. In response, Maryam Nawaz calmly addressed them, saying, “Don’t be too loud, your throat will get damaged.” She criticized the previous PTI government in Punjab for its alleged incompetence and neglect, stating that they were preoccupied with trivial issues rather than focusing on governance.

Nawaz Sharif’s Directives

Maryam Nawaz mentioned her father, former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, and his compassionate approach towards political opponents. She shared, “Nawaz Sharif said that instead of one AC in the jail of the PTI founder, install two ACs,” highlighting the humane treatment extended to political detainees under her administration, contrasting it with the previous government’s approach.

Economic Reforms and Price Control

Addressing economic issues, Maryam Nawaz took a firm stand on the importance of monitoring basic commodity prices. She dismissed criticisms about her visits to local bakeries to check bread prices, emphasizing that ensuring affordable food prices is a critical responsibility of the government. “Punjab is the only province which has reduced the price of bread,” she stated, underscoring her administration’s efforts to make daily necessities more affordable for the common people.

Future Outlook

Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz’s announcement of a tax-free budget has been met with mixed reactions. While her supporters laud this move as a progressive step towards economic stability and public welfare, her critics question the sustainability of such measures without new revenue streams. However, her administration remains optimistic about the future, promising continued efforts to enhance the quality of life for Punjab’s residents.

The unveiling of a tax-free budget in Punjab represents a significant achievement for Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz and her administration. By prioritizing healthcare, controlling inflation, and ensuring basic necessities are affordable, she aims to provide immediate relief to the citizens. This budget also reflects her administration’s commitment to compassionate governance and responsible economic management. As Punjab navigates these financial reforms, the province looks forward to a period of stability and growth under Maryam Nawaz’s leadership.