Sindh Home Minister Claims Reduction in Crime Following Operation Against Junkies in Karachi

Sindh Home Minister Zia Linjar has asserted that the operation against junkies in Karachi has led to a significant reduction in crime rates. Speaking at a Sindh Assembly meeting, Interior Minister Zia Linjar provided detailed statistics and shared his initiatives to ensure the safety and security of the people of Sindh.

Decrease in Crime Rates

Minister Linjar highlighted that in January, 13 people lost their lives during robberies in Karachi. However, after he took office as Interior Minister in April, this number decreased to three fatalities in May. He stressed that while any loss of life is unacceptable, the reduction in crime-related deaths is a positive sign. He added that he has been personally visiting police stations at night to oversee operations and ensure that the people of Sindh feel secure.

Accountability and Statistics

Emphasizing accountability, the minister stated, “We are accountable in the House and to the people.” He cited data from the Citizens-Police Liaison Committee (CPLC), revealing that 2,305 mobile phones were stolen in January compared to 1,425 in May. He attributed this decrease to the crackdown on junkies who were involved in dismantling and selling stolen mobile parts. Over 300 junkies have been arrested, reducing the market for stolen goods.

Monitoring of Mobile Markets

Linjar mentioned that the monitoring of mobile markets has been intensified. He believes that if the trade of stolen goods is curtailed, the incidence of thefts will further decrease. “When the items are not sold, they are of no use,” he remarked, underlining the importance of disrupting the demand for stolen goods.

High-Profile Cases and Accountability

Referring to high-profile cases, the minister discussed the Atiqa case, where an accused escaped from court. An FIR was lodged against the responsible police officers, and efforts are underway to apprehend the fugitive. Linjar expressed regret over the loss of a gold medalist youth to street crime and assured compensation for the families of those who have lost their lives.

Measures Against Street Crime

Minister Linjar warned that any police officer failing to prevent fatalities during robberies would face suspension. He reiterated that the police serve the public and must be held accountable. “If a person is killed for resisting robbery, then I will suspend the SHO there,” he stated firmly.

Efforts in the Kacha Area

Addressing concerns about the Kacha area, Linjar mentioned that the motorway was previously unsafe at night. However, since he took office, security has improved significantly. He personally traveled on the motorway at night to demonstrate its safety. He assured that efforts to combat robbers in the Kacha area would continue unabated, with increased bounties on their heads.

Encounters and Criminal Crackdown

Linjar reported that since June, there have been 650 police encounters in Karachi, resulting in the death of 99 criminals. He criticized false claims that police stations are overwhelmed, dismissing them as attempts to pressure law enforcement. He specifically called out vloggers who spread misinformation, asserting that their statements lack credibility and are aimed at undermining police efforts.

Commitment to Law Enforcement Integrity

The minister reaffirmed his commitment to integrity within the police force, insisting that no police station in Karachi would be sold or compromised. “The work will be done on merit, no police station in Karachi will be sold,” he declared, emphasizing his dedication to upholding the law and ensuring justice.

Sindh Home Minister Zia Linjar’s statements reflect a robust approach to reducing crime in Karachi through targeted operations and increased accountability. His efforts, supported by data and personal oversight, aim to instill a sense of security among the residents of Sindh. As the crackdown on junkies and criminals continues, the focus remains on maintaining law and order and protecting the rights and safety of the people.