Punjab information minister criticizes PTI, defends maryam nawaz.

Punjab Information Minister Azma Bukhari launched a scathing critique against the Pakistan Tehreek e Insaf (PTI), asserting that Punjab CM Maryam Nawaz’s governance prowess was irking her political opponents.

Responding to Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Information Advisor Barrister Saif’s statements, Bukhari accused Maryam Nawaz’s detractors of violating basic human rights to gratify personal vendettas through police interference.

In a stern rebuke, she challenged PTI to engage in a competition of governance rather than resorting to mere verbal sparring. Bukhari also cautioned against the reoccurrence of incidents akin to May 9, suggesting that PTI may be plotting another disruptive event under the guise of politics.

Bukhari vehemently refuted PTI’s attempts to shift blame onto Maryam Nawaz, particularly concerning the infamous May 9 incident. She asserted that PTI, as the perpetrators, should take accountability for their actions instead of deflecting responsibility.

Highlighting Maryam Nawaz’s resilience in the face of adversity, Bukhari condemned PTI’s alleged vandalism of armed forces installations and martyrs’ memorials. She urged PTI to refrain from exploiting the “woman card,” human rights, or constitutional rhetoric to absolve themselves of culpability.

In conclusion, Bukhari defended Maryam Nawaz’s integrity and valor, emphasizing her dignified conduct during times of political persecution. She urged PTI to focus on constructive governance rather than resorting to political theatrics and blame-shifting tactics.