Supreme court orders advertisement to summon qasim suri in electoral irregularities qase.

Despite multiple summons, Suri did not appear before the court. In response, the court directed that an advertisement be issued to summon him and instructed that the notice be posted outside his residence. Chief Justice Qazi Faiz Isa noted that according to records, Suri’s brother, Bilal, had refused to accept the notice.

“Suri is deliberately not appearing in the Supreme Court. The former deputy speaker’s refusal to receive the notice is unfortunate,” stated Chief Justice Isa.

During the hearing, the Chief Justice addressed Suri’s lawyer, Naeem Bukhari, commenting on Suri’s media presence. Bukhari responded that he did not watch TV or use social media. The Chief Justice humorously remarked on Bukhari’s television personality status and encouraged him to stay updated, despite Bukhari’s claim of feeling old. Justice Irfan Saadat recalled Bukhari’s past comments about friends not letting him grow old.

Bukhari informed the court that he had no contact with Qasim Suri. The Chief Justice then announced that the next hearing would be held in July, with the specific date to be detailed in the court order. The hearing was subsequently adjourned until next month.