FBI raises concerns over foreign interference in american elections through artificial intelligence.

A senior official from the FBI has voiced concerns about the potential use of artificial intelligence (AI) by foreign adversaries to interfere in American elections and spread disinformation. The official highlighted AI as an area expected to see significant growth in the coming years, presenting a new challenge for law enforcement.

The threat posed by AI is not merely theoretical, as evidenced by the prevalence of AI deepfakes and robocalls, which have already surfaced in political contexts. An incident in Slovakia earlier this year involved the dissemination of deepfake audio clips resembling the voice of a liberal party leader, discussing topics such as raising beer prices and election rigging. Similarly, in the U.S., robocalls impersonating President Joe Biden urged voters in New Hampshire to abstain from voting in a primary election.

AI technology poses challenges to law enforcement due to its accessibility, enabling individuals to engage in malicious activities, as well as providing more sophisticated capabilities to foreign governments seeking to interfere in elections. Russia, Iran, and China are identified as the three countries of most concern to the FBI in the current election year.

Russia has previously been implicated in election interference, with intelligence officials indicating a preference for Republican candidates and employing tactics such as hacking and leaking Democratic emails. A recent intelligence community report suggests that in the 2022 midterm elections, Russia aimed to denigrate the Democratic Party and weaken U.S. support for Ukraine.

China’s efforts in influencing American elections have targeted candidates from both major political parties, focusing on those with anti-China views and covertly denigrating specific individuals. Iran has also engaged in covert operations aimed at exploiting social divisions within the U.S.

Looking ahead to 2024, FBI officials anticipate continued efforts by China to sow divisions, while monitoring Russia’s behavior in light of the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. The FBI remains vigilant in safeguarding the integrity of American elections against foreign interference facilitated by advancements in AI technology.