Education crisis grips Iraq as schools suffer from neglect and mismanagement.

In a small village in central Iraq, the dire state of education is glaringly evident as children attend classes in dilapidated classrooms housed within makeshift structures, emblematic of the neglect plaguing the country’s education system despite its oil-rich status.

Oudai Abdallah, director of a public elementary school in Bani Saad district, highlights the dire conditions faced by students, including leaking roofs and makeshift facilities that pose a threat to their safety.

Decades of conflict, mismanagement, and corruption have taken a toll on Iraq’s once-enviable education system. In the 1970s and 1980s, Iraq boasted a robust education network that attracted students from across the Arab world. However, the system has since deteriorated, with half of the country’s schools damaged, a decline in the number of qualified teachers, and a deterioration in education standards.

Efforts to address the crisis have been insufficient, with authorities struggling to rebuild schools and provide adequate resources. Despite plans to increase education funding, long-term solutions remain elusive for communities like Bani Saad, where children endure cramped classrooms, inadequate sanitation facilities, and makeshift learning environments.

The plight of students and teachers in Bani Saad reflects a broader education crisis gripping Iraq, exacerbated by years of conflict and instability. While the government acknowledges the challenges, progress has been slow, leaving families frustrated and disillusioned.

With public schools failing to meet basic standards, many parents are turning to private schools, despite the financial strain. The exodus from public to private education underscores the urgent need for comprehensive reforms to revitalize Iraq’s education system and provide all children with access to quality schooling.

As Iraq strives to rebuild and recover from years of turmoil, addressing the education crisis must be a top priority, ensuring that every child has the opportunity to learn and thrive in a safe and conducive environment.