Sheikh rashid ahmed forecasts shehbaz sharif’s political triumph over nawaz.

Sheikh Rashid Ahmed, the leader of the Awami Muslim League and former interior minister, confidently reiterated on Monday his long-standing prediction regarding Shehbaz Sharif’s political supremacy over Nawaz Sharif.

Speaking to the media outside the anti-terrorism court in Rawalpindi, Rashid disclosed that they had received copies of three cases related to the May 9 incident. He elaborated that a total of 17 cases stemming from the events of May 9 were currently pending against them in various courts, with 11 of these cases undergoing adjudication in the anti-terrorism courts. Rashid assured that he would personally attend the next court hearing.

Reflecting on his earlier forecast regarding Shehbaz Sharif’s political trajectory, Rashid reaffirmed his conviction in Shehbaz’s eventual triumph.

Expressing concern for the plight of innocent individuals languishing in jails, Rashid emphasized the importance of justice and reiterated their commitment to defending themselves in court without seeking special favors for their release. He lamented the overcrowded prisons and underscored the necessity for systemic reforms.

Rashid emphasized the imperative of ensuring the welfare of the impoverished population, advocating for sustained support for the underprivileged. He urged authorities to take decisive action to alleviate the suffering of the poor, particularly by announcing pardons for them, especially on the 27th of Ramadan.