Government Follows Supreme Court’s Directive on Commission Formation, Information Minister Clarifies

Information Minister Ataullah Tarar has underscored the government’s adherence to the full court declaration of the Supreme Court, emphasizing that steps have been taken in accordance with the directive. Tarar expressed bewilderment over criticisms directed at the commission, suggesting that critics may not have thoroughly comprehended the declaration.

In an interview on Geo News program ‘Naya Pakistan’, Atta Tarar highlighted the genesis of the commission formation, citing a letter written by six judges to the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. He reiterated the government’s commitment to following the court’s decision by establishing the commission as directed.

Tarar further defended the selection process for commission members, particularly emphasizing the credibility of retired Supreme Court judges and esteemed jurists. He questioned the rationale behind objections to names like Mushir Alam, Tasadeq Jilani, Manzoor Malik, or Nasirul Malik, stressing that these individuals possess impeccable reputations and qualifications.

The Information Minister emphasized the importance of appointing senior judges or former chief justices to ensure transparency and integrity in the commission’s proceedings. He likened this decision to distinguishing between milk and water, implying that it ensures clarity and purity in the investigative process.

Tarar’s statements shed light on the government’s perspective regarding the commission formation, aiming to address any misunderstandings or misinterpretations surrounding the initiative. By reaffirming the government’s commitment to following the Supreme Court’s directive and defending the credibility of the appointed members, Tarar aims to assuage concerns and uphold transparency in the commission’s mandate.