Majority of Educated Members Elected to National Assembly in 2024 Elections

The results of the 2024 general elections for the National Assembly of Pakistan reveal a significant presence of educated individuals among the newly elected members, with a majority holding graduate and master’s degrees.

According to data compiled by Geo Election Cell, interesting statistics have emerged regarding the educational qualifications of the elected members. Out of the 265 elected members, 42 percent, which translates to 112 individuals, possess graduate-level qualifications.

Following closely behind are holders of master’s degrees, constituting 63 members. Among the newly elected members, 42 hold LLB degrees, while 3 possess LL.M. degrees, highlighting a significant representation of legal professionals in the assembly.

Furthermore, the analysis shows that 10 members hold MBBS degrees, indicating a strong presence of medical professionals. Additionally, there are 3 engineers, 4 holders of Ph.D. degrees, and 2 individuals with M.Phil qualifications among the elected members.

The composition of the assembly also includes 12 members with intermediate-level education and 9 members who have completed their matriculation. While their numbers may be smaller compared to those with higher qualifications, their representation underscores the diversity of educational backgrounds among the elected members.

The prevalence of educated individuals in the National Assembly reflects a trend towards a more qualified and knowledgeable legislative body. It suggests that voters are increasingly inclined to elect candidates with higher education, possibly valuing their expertise and understanding of complex issues.

Having a diverse range of educational backgrounds in the assembly can contribute to more informed and comprehensive decision-making processes. It allows for a broader perspective on various policy matters, potentially leading to more effective governance and legislation.

Overall, the significant presence of educated members in the National Assembly bodes well for the future of Pakistan’s legislative process, signaling a commitment to progress and development based on sound knowledge and expertise.