US Calls for Investigation into Election Irregularities in Pakistan

The United States has once again called for investigations into allegations of irregularities during the general elections scheduled for February 8, 2024, in Pakistan. Matthew Miller, spokesperson for the US State Department, stated that the US has urged for thorough investigations into allegations of electoral fraud not only in Pakistan but also anywhere in the world.

During a press briefing in Washington, Miller emphasized that the issue of a coalition government in Pakistan is an internal matter for Pakistan, and the decision lies with Pakistan, not the United States. He reiterated that the US is looking forward to working with the incoming government in Pakistan.

On the other hand, the spokesperson for the US National Security Council, Jan Kirkby, expressed concerns about apparent irregularities in Pakistan’s elections. Kirkby mentioned reports of intimidation, voter suppression, and other such incidents, which have raised alarms in the private sector.

Kirkby underscored that the US is closely monitoring the situation and that international monitors are also keeping a close eye on developments. The US’s call for investigations and its vigilance regarding election irregularities indicate its commitment to upholding democratic principles and ensuring fair and transparent electoral processes.

The statements from US officials highlight the significance of free and fair elections as essential components of democracy. By urging for investigations and expressing concerns about electoral irregularities, the US reaffirms its stance on promoting democratic values and supporting legitimate electoral processes worldwide.

As Pakistan prepares for its upcoming elections, the international community, including the United States, continues to emphasize the importance of conducting transparent and credible elections that reflect the will of the people.