Mahira Khan Refutes Indian Media’s Pregnancy Claims

Renowned Pakistani actress Mahira Khan has dismissed claims made by Indian media regarding her expected pregnancy.

In recent days, Indian media outlets alleged that Mahira Khan is expecting another child, with the anticipated birth slated for August or September of the current year.

These reports further suggested that Mahira Khan’s alleged pregnancy has led to her withdrawal from various high-profile projects, including the upcoming OTT series “Jo Bachay Sang Smeit Lo” and other major ventures.

However, Mahira Khan has categorically refuted all such claims made by the Indian media.

Speaking to local media outlets, Mahira Khan vehemently denied the allegations put forth by Indian media, stating that she is neither expecting a child nor has she withdrawn from any projects due to pregnancy. Her statement rejecting these claims has garnered significant attention on social media platforms.

It is worth noting that Mahira Khan, who separated from her first husband Ali Askari several years ago, tied the knot with her longtime friend Salim Karim in October 2023. Their wedding marked a new chapter in Mahira Khan’s personal life, signaling her happiness and commitment to her new relationship.

The actress’s swift dismissal of the pregnancy rumors underscores her determination to address misinformation and maintain transparency regarding her personal life. Despite the unfounded speculation propagated by certain media outlets, Mahira Khan remains focused on her professional endeavors and committed to dispelling false narratives surrounding her personal affairs.