Celebrated Pakistani actor Sarwat Gilani and her husband, Fahad Mirza, are overjoyed to announce the arrival of their newborn girl. The couple, known for their contributions to the entertainment industry, shared the heartwarming news on Sarwat Gilani’s official Instagram account.
In the post, Sarwat Gilani introduced the newest member of their family with a touching photo, marking a moment of happiness and gratitude. The couple, who tied the knot in 2014, already has two children, Rohan Mirza and Araiz Muhammad Mirza, born in 2015 and 2017, respectively.
Sarwat Gilani has earned widespread acclaim for her versatile roles in both television and film. Notable projects include dramas like “Khasara” and “Naulakha,” along with impactful performances in films such as “Jawani Phir Nahi Ani” and “Joyland.” Her dedication to her craft has earned her nominations, including a 2015 Lux Style Awards nomination for Best Supporting Actress.
As the couple embraces the joy of welcoming their third child, warm wishes and congratulations pour in from fans and well-wishers for the expanding family.