Chief Justice Faez Isa responds to Justice Ijazul Ahsan’s allegations on committee Procedures.

In a three-page response to allegations made by Justice Ijazul Ahsan concerning the workings of the committee formed under the Supreme Practice and Procedure Act, 2023, Chief Justice Faez Isa expressed his disappointment and reminded his colleague that the workweek consists of six days.

Addressing Justice Ahsan’s claim of not being consulted on bench constitution, Chief Justice Isa emphasized the open communication channels, stating, “My door is always open to my colleagues, I am also available on telecom and via cell phone, but surprisingly you neither came to talk to me nor reached out to me by intercom or by cell phone to express your concerns.”

The chief justice mentioned attempting to contact Justice Ahsan through intercom immediately upon receiving the letter but received no response. He further noted that, per their professional obligations, judges are expected to work six days a week, not four and a half.

Chief Justice Isa clarified that the initial scheduling of committee meetings on Friday afternoons was in consideration of completing daily judicial work. However, in response to Justice Ahsan’s requests, the meetings were rescheduled to Thursdays, a decision the chief justice now considers a potential mistake.

The letter also highlighted that the constitution of benches is designed to treat every judge equally, ensuring fairness and respect. Chief Justice Isa invited Justice Ahsan to provide suggestions for bench reconstitution, assuring that a committee meeting could be convened, allowing Justice Ahsan to participate via video link from Lahore, with Justice Sardar Tariq Masood joining from the Supreme Court in Islamabad.