Nawaz Sharif Calls for Accountability of Accomplices in False Cases

Former Prime Minister and leader of the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N), Nawaz Sharif, addressed the parliamentary board of his party in Lahore, expressing his commitment to not only refrain from seeking premiership or chief ministership but also advocating for the accountability of those responsible for false cases.

Sharif, speaking passionately, stated that some wounds never heal, and the perseverance in the face of adversity has been a hallmark of their political journey. He recounted a recent incident where an individual, unfamiliar with the concept of the State of Madinah, was brought into the political arena, emphasizing the need for such figures to remain silent if they lack knowledge.

Highlighting the induction of an inexperienced individual into governance, Sharif remarked that the person in question had no understanding of economics or society. He sarcastically suggested putting such individuals in jail and questioned the whereabouts of those who had once advocated for putting him behind bars.

Sharif asserted that their efforts are aimed at extricating Pakistan from the quagmire it finds itself in. He asserted their intent to bring about positive change by entering the political arena with zeal and fervor. Referencing a case involving £190 million, he described it as the largest case in history, accusing authorities of massive corruption and questioning how inflation can be curbed if 60 billion rupees are embezzled.

The former Prime Minister lamented his and his family’s incarceration, emphasizing the years spent behind bars and the injustices they faced. He questioned those responsible for constructing false cases, asking about the duration it took to rectify the wrongs committed against them.

Sharif further took a swipe at his political rivals, particularly referencing an audio tape involving Suhail Warraich. He asserted that those who had fabricated bogus cases against them are themselves corrupt, highlighting the irony of being labeled thieves by individuals engaging in corruption.

Stating that their demand is not to form a government but to seek justice, Sharif emphasized the desire for transparency and accountability in economic matters. He questioned why the dollar has become so expensive and called for an investigation into the devaluation of the rupee.

Concluding his address, Nawaz Sharif reminded the audience that they have faced challenges with resilience, have endured personal sacrifices, and have placed their own feet on the thorns for the betterment of the country. His speech reflects a stance of defiance, calling for accountability and justice while questioning the credibility of those who have sought to tarnish his political career