Former Chief Justice Omar Ata Bandial Contacts Senior Judge Justice Sardar Tariq Masood over Complaint a Rare Display of Discomfort

In an unusual development, former Chief Justice Omar Ata Bandial contacted Senior Judge Justice Sardar Tariq Masood via phone before his retirement, highlighting a matter of substantial concern. The conversation revealed that Chief Justice Bandial inquired about Justice Tariq’s intent to withdraw a complaint against a fellow judge, shedding light on the complexities within the judiciary.

According to credible sources, Chief Justice Bandial had made a phone call to Justice Tariq Masood, expressing his strong dissatisfaction with the prospect of withdrawing a complaint that Justice Tariq had lodged against a colleague. This complaint pertained to alleged misconduct or professional impropriety by the said judge.

In response to Chief Justice Bandial’s inquiry, Justice Tariq Masood conveyed his discontentment with the idea of retracting the complaint. He expressed his reservations, indicating that it was not appropriate for Chief Justice Bandial to personally discuss the complaint with him. Justice Tariq underscored that the complaint had been formally filed by Ms. Amna Malik, and it should be appropriately adjudicated by the Supreme Judicial Council, the judicial body responsible for addressing such matters.

Furthermore, Justice Tariq Masood conveyed his trust in the Supreme Judicial Council’s ability to uphold the constitution and the law while delivering a verdict on the complaint. He stressed that his actions were in line with the established legal processes, and he had faith in the council to make a just decision.

The sequence of events leading up to this conversation remains intriguing. On September 5, 2023, Chief Justice Bandial had written a letter to Justice Tariq Masood, copies of which were also sent to members of the Supreme Judicial Council. In the letter, Chief Justice Bandial suggested that it would be more appropriate to place the complaint filed by Ms. Amna Malik before the Supreme Judicial Council for consideration rather than pursuing additional discussions, thereby averting any potential allegations of personal favor.

Justice Tariq Masood, a senior judge of the Supreme Court of Pakistan, had been appointed as the chairman of the Supreme Judicial Council earlier this year. His appointment held significant implications for the judiciary, and the sensitivity surrounding the complaint and its subsequent handling further underscores the complexities within Pakistan’s judicial landscape.

This development has sparked conversations about the separation of powers and the independence of the judiciary in Pakistan. It remains to be seen how the Supreme Judicial Council will proceed in addressing the complaint and whether it will be able to maintain transparency and fairness throughout the process.

The phone call and correspondence between former Chief Justice Omar Ata Bandial and Senior Judge Justice Sardar Tariq Masood have shed light on a matter of substantial judicial significance. The case exemplifies the intricacies and challenges faced by the judiciary in Pakistan and underscores the importance of adhering to established legal processes and upholding the principles of justice and constitutional legality.