Judge Abul Hasnat Zulqarnain Questions About the Cipher’s Whereabouts in Saifur Case

Islamabad’s Special Court Judge Abul Hasanat Zulqarnain has inquired about Saifur Rehman’s whereabouts during the hearing of the Saifur case in the special courts of Islamabad.

The hearing of the Saifur case is ongoing in Islamabad’s special courts.

After the recess, the case was resumed, and PTI Chairman’s counsel, Salman Safdar, presented arguments in favor of granting bail. He argued that Saifur Rahman is an officer of the Ministry of Interior and the Ministry of Interior has initiated the Saifur case. The Ministry of Interior has conducted a high-level inquiry, and the Ministry of Interior has received it from Washington. It is alleged in the Saifur case that personal interests were taken. The case also alleges damage to national security.

Salman Safdar questioned whether Imran Khan is mentioned in the case. Is Imran Khan in court? Has Imran Khan’s bail been accepted? The prosecution has to prove what was the original and counterfeit version of Saifur’s case. The prosecution has to prove what national security was damaged by the Saifur case.

He further argued that the case has Imran Khan’s mention. Is Imran Khan in court? Is Imran Khan’s bail accepted? The prosecution has to prove what was the original and counterfeit version of Saifur’s case. The prosecution has to prove what national security was damaged by the Saifur case.

The Saifur case was registered under the Official Secrets Act 1923. No one present in the courtroom in 1923 will be available.

Special Prosecutor Shah Khawar made a statement in court that elicited laughter. He stated, “My father was born in 1923,” which prompted laughter in the courtroom.

Lawyer Salman Safdar expressed his desire to include those who are involved in the Toshakhana case in the prosecution. He mentioned that they have been stuck in the rigmarole of the Toshakhana case, which has been under investigation for the past two and a half years. He emphasized that the case against Saifur Rahman was fabricated for political revenge. He held responsible the Prime Minister and the Chairman of PTI, the largest political party in Pakistan. He stated that they have been accused of a crime at the age of sixty. In the previous hearing, the Judge of the Anti-Narcotics Court, serving as an administrative judge, remarked, “This is the Anti-Narcotics Court. I had thought that only a case related to narcotics was being presented.”

Laughter erupted in the court during the proceedings related to the narcotics case.

Salman Safdar presented arguments and said that Chairman PTI has done nothing to harm national security. He questioned, “Is he a smuggler?” He pointed out that the code words used in the documents should contain communication evidence.

Judge Abul Hasnat inquired whether there is a cipher for Saifur Rahman. He emphasized the need to discuss this matter.

Lawyer Salman Safdar responded by stating that ciphers are used by trained individuals and are not something an ordinary person can comprehend.

Judge Abul Hasnat further inquired about the receipt of the cipher by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and asked where Saifur Rahman is. He mentioned that the Saifur Rahman case revolves around four quotes, including the Army Chief and the Prime Minister.

Salman Safdar, the lawyer, argued that today they are not hearing a case related to Col. Bhusan or Abhinandan. The Saifur Rahman case has been fabricated as a serious matter. The Official Secrets Act of 1923 doesn’t seem to apply here. Chairman PTI is not a spy; he is a former Prime Minister. During the trial, it will become apparent whether Saifur Rahman’s statement was aimed at saving the country or facilitating its enemies. The Secret Act is not applied, and there is no hope from the FIA; hope only lies with the court.

Judge Abul Hasnat Zulqarnain mentioned that there are two categories, and they need to discuss an important matter. He questioned whether Section 5 and Section 3 are applicable or not. The entire Saifur Rahman case is based on this. If the crime is proven, Section 3 of the Act will be applied. Saifur Rahman met the Prime Minister through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, but where is Saifur Rahman? The documents of the Prime Minister, ISI Chief, Army Chief, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs are separate in the Saifur Rahman case.

Asad Umar Granted Bail in Saifur Rahman Case

A special court in Islamabad has granted bail to former federal minister Asad Umar in the Saifur Rahman case.

The court approved bail for Asad Umar against a surety bond of 50,000 rupees.

Special Prosecutor Shah Khawar, while intervening during the presentation of Salman Safdar’s arguments, informed the court that Asad Umar is not wanted for arrest in the case. There is no evidence against him at the moment, and if the court wants to hear arguments regarding his bail, they are willing to listen. During the investigation, if any evidence is found against Asad Umar, he will be informed.

Lawyer Babar Awan requested that if the FIA doesn’t have any evidence, bail should be confirmed.

Judge Abul Hasnat Zulqarnain wrote the decision in an open court regarding Asad Umar’s bail request.