Netherlands: Former cricketer Khalid Latif was sentenced to 12 years in prison

Former Pakistani cricketer Khalid Latif has been sentenced to 12 years in prison in the Netherlands. According to a report from Amsterdam’s news agency, Khalid Latif has been accused of incitement to murder Dutch politician Geert Wilders.

Dutch courts issued the sentence in absentia for Khalid Latif, who is currently residing in Pakistan.

The Dutch prosecutor had alleged that Khalid Latif had offered a $23,000 reward for the murder of Wilders in an online video back in 2018.

Khalid Latif’s video came in response to Wilders’ derogatory remarks against Islam, and it involved a call for a competition involving offensive caricatures.

According to the news agency, Khalid Latif has not been in contact with Dutch authorities regarding the court’s verdict.

This case highlights the international nature of legal proceedings in today’s interconnected world, where individuals can be tried and sentenced in one country for actions or statements made in another. It also underscores the importance of responsible communication and the potential legal consequences for those who engage in incitement to violence or hate speech, even across borders.