Erdogan denounces gaza crisis, compares It to world largest extermination camp.

On Tuesday, Türkiye’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan condemned the situation in the Gaza Strip, describing it as the “world’s largest extermination camp” and accusing Israel of committing atrocities that surpass those of Hitler. Speaking in Ankara, Erdogan criticized Western leaders and organizations for their inaction over nearly 300 days of conflict.

Erdogan questioned how many more children must die before international scrutiny leads to an end to Israel’s aggressive policies. He pointed out that since October 7, Israeli actions have resulted in the deaths of over 39,000 Palestinians, predominantly women and children.

The Turkish president labeled Israel as the sole country in the region seeking security through “aggression, massacres, and land seizure,” and likened it to a “terrorist organization.” He warned that the “lawless Israeli state” poses a threat not only to Palestine and Lebanon but to humanity at large.

Erdogan drew a historical parallel to Hitler, stating that while Hitler was eventually stopped by the US and Soviet Union alliance, current genocide and barbarism in Gaza must be halted by a united global front. He urged those behind the Netanyahu administration to immediately cease the ongoing massacre and emphasized Türkiye’s commitment to preventing further catastrophe in the region.