Lahore High Court Converts Anti-Terrorism Court Judge’s Notice into Court Petition

In a significant legal development, the Lahore High Court (LHC) has converted a notice of harassment issued by an anti-terrorism court judge into a formal court petition. The move, overseen by Justice Shahid Karim, aims to address the harassment concerns raised by the judiciary and ensure appropriate measures are taken to uphold judicial independence and security.

Court Proceedings

During the hearing, Justice Shahid Karim remarked that a prosecutor and judicial assistant would be appointed to handle the case, indicating the court’s commitment to a thorough and impartial investigation. The federal government also presented its position, expressing readiness to investigate any attempts to meet the judge involved in the case.

Justice Shahid Karim emphasized the importance of accountability and directed that the Prime Minister take responsibility for the actions of the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) and the Intelligence Bureau (IB). “The court will issue a directive that the Prime Minister should take responsibility regarding ISI and IB. And the ISI is under the Prime Minister,” he stated, underscoring the need for top-level oversight in matters affecting the judiciary.

Federal Government’s Position

The federal government assured the court of its willingness to investigate any inappropriate attempts to contact the judge. This assurance reflects the government’s commitment to maintaining the integrity of the judicial process and addressing any potential breaches of protocol or security.

Security Measures

Justice Shahid Karim also addressed the issue of road closures for security purposes. He indicated that the Inspector General (IG) of Punjab would be instructed to consult with the judge before making decisions on closing roads in the future. This measure aims to balance the need for judicial security with the public’s right to free movement.

Importance of Judicial Independence

This case highlights the ongoing challenges faced by the judiciary in Pakistan, particularly concerning harassment and external influences. The Lahore High Court’s decision to convert the notice into a petition underscores the judiciary’s proactive stance in safeguarding its members from undue pressure and ensuring that justice is administered without fear or favor.

Broader Implications

The outcome of this case could have broader implications for judicial independence and security protocols in Pakistan. By involving the highest levels of government oversight, the court aims to set a precedent for how similar cases should be handled in the future. The directives issued to the Prime Minister and the IG Punjab are steps towards reinforcing the judiciary’s autonomy and addressing any potential threats to its functioning.

The Lahore High Court’s conversion of the anti-terrorism court judge’s harassment notice into a court petition marks a pivotal moment in the ongoing effort to protect judicial independence in Pakistan. The appointment of a prosecutor and judicial assistant, coupled with the directives for top-level government oversight, demonstrates a comprehensive approach to addressing harassment concerns. As the case proceeds, it will serve as a critical test of the measures in place to uphold the integrity and security of the judiciary, ensuring that it remains free from external influences and capable of delivering impartial justice.