Kabra Khan Reveals Terrifying Encounter with Jinn During Film Shoot

In a recent interview with a private TV channel, renowned actress Kabra Khan opened up about various aspects of her career, her life experiences, and a particularly chilling incident that occurred during the shooting of one of her films. The revelation has sparked interest and intrigue among fans and viewers, highlighting the actress’s candidness and resilience.

The Incident in Azad Kashmir

Kabra Khan recounted an unnerving experience that took place while she was filming in Azad Kashmir. According to the actress, she was in her room when she sensed the presence of a jinn. She described the moment with palpable fear, stating that she was sitting in her room when she saw another creature emerge and gaze at her. This unexpected and frightening encounter left a lasting impression on her.

“I was sitting in my room, and suddenly, I felt the presence of another being. It wasn’t human. It was a jinn,” Kabra narrated. She explained that the encounter left her deeply scared and uncertain about what to do next.

Coping with the Fear

In the face of this supernatural encounter, Kabra Khan turned to her faith for comfort and protection. She immediately played Surah Rahman and Surah Al-Baqarah from her mobile phone, hoping the recitations would provide some solace and safety from the entity she had encountered.

“I felt an immense sense of fear and helplessness. The only thing I could think of was to seek protection through the recitation of Surah Rahman and Surah Al-Baqarah,” she said.

Discovering the Graveyard

Following the incident, Kabra learned that there was a graveyard located just beyond the wall of her room. This revelation added another layer to her already heightened sense of fear and unease. The proximity of the graveyard perhaps explained the presence of the jinn, a belief rooted in many cultural and religious traditions that associate jinn with such places.

“I later found out that there was a graveyard right next to the wall of my room. It all started to make sense then, and it added to my fear,” she shared.

Protective Measures

Since that frightening encounter, Kabra Khan has adopted certain practices to ensure her protection whenever she steps out of her house. She now recites Ayatul Kursi three times and blows it on herself, a practice believed to safeguard against harm and evil.

“After that incident, I started reciting Ayatul Kursi three times and blowing it on myself whenever I leave the house. It gives me a sense of protection and peace,” she explained.

The Power of Faith

Kabra’s experience underscores the importance of faith and spiritual practices in coping with fear and the unknown. Her reliance on Quranic recitations and prayers highlights a common cultural response to supernatural occurrences, where faith serves as a shield against unseen dangers.

Career Reflections

Apart from this chilling incident, Kabra Khan also discussed her career in the interview, sharing insights into her journey in the entertainment industry. She spoke about the challenges and triumphs she has faced, emphasizing her commitment to her craft and her determination to overcome obstacles.

Kabra’s career has been marked by diverse roles and significant achievements, making her one of the prominent figures in the Pakistani entertainment industry. Her ability to balance her professional and personal life, even in the face of terrifying experiences, speaks volumes about her strength and resilience.

Kabra Khan’s interview provided a rare glimpse into a deeply personal and frightening experience that has shaped her outlook on life and faith. Her encounter with a jinn in Azad Kashmir is a testament to her courage and her unwavering belief in the power of spiritual protection. As she continues to navigate her career and life, Kabra’s story serves as an inspiration to many, illustrating how faith and inner strength can help overcome even the most daunting challenges.